Too Many Secrets Readme beta v. 0.2.1 (Homepage: (Forum: (Email: TMS is a password/code archiver. With TMS you can store your password, authentication code, gaming code and organize them in a 2 level tree-structure with categories (eg.: Internet, Gaming, Work, Personal) and subcategories (eg.: EMail, Mailing List, Online Magazines can be subcategories of the Internet category). The Password File are encrypted with a proprietary method. The first thing to do when you first start TMS is to create a file and choose, if you want, a password to protect it. After this you can start to create category/subcategory structure and insert password. TMS is very simple to use and the operation you can do are Self-Explaining. For now there isn't an Help System but it's in the to-do list. On the HomePage you can find a lite version without Runtime and Windows Installer. To submit bug or discuss of TMS you can use the MsgBoard at this address: To know about new version, bugfix you can subscribe to the FDSoftware mailing list accessible from the bottom of TMS Homepage. History Version 0.2.1 -New and changed- 1. When automatically reload an opened file (modified by the full version) don't ask for password. -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected a bug that make the program exit with an error if automatically loaded file don't exist. Version 0.2.0 -New and changed- 1. Added export to .CSV File. You can also specify the delimiter character. 2. Splitted Controls in two separate file so the lite version load only a lite DLL file instead of the full OCX. -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected some bug on the export/print function. 2. Other bugfix Version 0.1.0 (Not Released to public) -New and changed- 1. Added a new executable TMSLite.exe: a lite systray only version with display capacity only of TMS. To edit password it calls TMS.exe (the full version) and it checks the opened file for change at regular interval (user defined). If the file is changed TMSLite reload it. 2. Added accelerator key (ALT-char) to the Password Edit Tab and controls. -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected the high CPU usage of TMS. 2. Corrected a bug that prevent the use of ALT-char in the Tab-view (Edit Password, Oprions) Version 0.0.91 -New and changed- 1. Removed Advertising from TMS. From now on for the beta testing after 2 month from release the program will ask you to go to the web site to get the new version. You can continue to use the program and this is done only to be sure you will remember to get the latest version. -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected some bug on the forms don't showing correctly. 2. Some other bugfix. Version 0.0.9 -New and changed- 1. Now you can add category and subcategory from the add password dialog. 2. Added security option to hide password from all dialogs (show "*" instead). 3. Added key modificator for cut & paste for each password instead of unique configuration definition. When you add a password or load an old password file the default definition is used to load default value. 4. Added a remember password field where you can put sentence used from site to remember password. 5. The message that no password are expired/changed is showed only when if do a manual chenk and not also when the program automatically check on file loading. -Bug Fix- 3. Corrected some bugs with drag&drop. Let me know if there are other problem for this. 4. Corrected some errors with context menu on treeview item. 5. Now, when loading a corrupted file the file will load until corruption occurs. 6. Corrected a bug in the Startup of TMS: if you start from the shortcut on the Start Menu it won't start well (i'm investigating why... so i putted it into a Too Many Secrets Folder with the Readme.txt file. 7. Some other bugfix. Version 0.0.8 -New and changed- 6. Added option to "View User/Password" when you click on service in system tray. When you view User/Password you can copy or Drag&drop user and password to other programs. 7. Added context menu to treeview to add/rename/delete Category/Subcategory, trasform category to subcategory and viceversa and add new password to them. 8. Category/SubCategory in treeview are now listed alphabetically ordered 9. Added preliminary function for Exporting to HTML/Text/Text Column. You can choose what field to export (service name is always present), how to order or group them and if you want to export group in different file. You can also choose to ignore empty category/subcategory or export them. 10. Added preliminary function for Printing. You can choose what field to print (service name is always present), how to order or group them and if you want a new page for each group. You can print in tabular or extended format and you can also choose to ignore empty category/subcategory or print them. -Bug Fix- 8. Added icon to Submenu Item Add Category and Add Subcategory in Systrem Tray. 9. Pressing DEL key on a service when in the favourites nodes remove that service from favourites instead of deleting it. Using the Password/Delete menu or toolbar button continue to delete service. 10. Pressing the del key on a service in the expiration/change nodes do nothing. If you want to delete a service from there you've to use the menu or toolbar. 11. Some other bugfix. Version 0.0.7 -New and changed- 11. Added the capability to define favourites password. You can define a favourites password with context menu on the password, the password menu and a checkbox in the password add/edit box 12. Added a node in the treeview to show favourites password. 13. Addess 4 subnodes of the favourites node to show password in expiration/change. -Bug Fix- 12. Corrected some bug related to number of password in category/subcategory not showed/updated. 13. Corrected a bug that prevent the use of "show tips at startup" checkbox in the View Tips window. 14. Corrected a bug that prevent to send username/password from the system tray to the last focused application. Version 0.0.6 -New and changed- 1. Replaced all Microsoft standard control with other custom control to reduce runtime requirement. 2. Changed the Load Dialog to include a tab with most recent loaded file 3. Many graphical change (treeview icons and more) 4. The Icon are now loaded dinamically when needed to reduce memory requirement (If you don't use menu icon or toolbar they're not loaded) -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected some bug related to the treeview drag & drop. Version 0.0.5 -New and changed- 1. Added Encryption of password file. Encryption is obtained with a proprietary method and i've tested many possible cases. The file is encrypted also if you don't specify a password 2. Added an history backup function. You can choose what kind of backup you want: None, Single backup file (overwritten each time you save your file) or History Backup (save each backup with date and time in the file name so you have a different backup file for each save) 3. History Backup will be saved into the "backup" subdirectory of TMS Program Directory (Directory will be created if it doesn't exist) 4. Changed Listview to grid in the check Expiration Window 5. Added an option to enable/disable icon in menu 6. Added an option to send TMS to systray when you execute a URL 7. Finished implementation of saving windows position on exit/load window position on startup -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected the "check for expiration" behavior. Now it will only be checked when you load a file (not also when you save it or if you cancel the loading) 2. Corrected a bug in the drag & drop function 3. Now you will always see the highlight on the category/subcategory you're viewing also when treeview lose focus 4. Removed the header button hottracking due to some problem with the viewing of columns 5. Corrected a bug related to the "File-Reload" submenu 6. Corrected a bug related to the "View-Columns" submenu Version 0.0.41 (bugfix) -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected a bug that prevented the add of category and subcategory 2. Corrected some mispelled words Version 0.0.4 -New and changed- 1. Changed the style of the password Display 2. Modified the behavior of the password/edit menu when no password is selected 3. Added "no category" and "no subcategory" in the treeview 4. Added icon to menu. 5. Added a view of category/subcategory/password to the systray menu and added option to choose what action to do when you click on a password in the systray (copy password, user/password, url; send password, username/password; edit password; execute URL) 6. Added F4 to edit a password, DEL to delete, Enter to do Default Action (Edit; Copy Password,Username/Password, URL to clipboard; Execute URL) 7. Changed some icons and cursors 8. Some Cosmetic change -Bug Fix- 1. Corrected a bug that prevented the start in system tray 2. Corrected a bug that prevented the automatic loading of the last file opened 3. Corrected a bug in the drag & drop that prevented the view of the right icon 4. Minor bug fixes and corrections Version 0.0.3 - First Public Release 1. Store Password and relative category/subcategory in a single file 2. Data file are password protected 3. Add/Edit/Delete Password, category and subcategory 4. Treeview/Listview or Listview only style 5. Copy username-password, password, URL (3 different)to Clipboard 6. Go to URL 7. Check expiration/changing data of password and remember you some day before 8. Store the last 10 opened file. 9. Automatically open the last opened file 10. Drag&Drop of category/subcategory in the treeview 11. Multiple password insert 12. Copy, cut and paste a password 13. Show or Hide any information from the listview 14. Sort the listview by any columns ascending or descending 15. Many customizable option 16. Can go to systray or start in systray 17. Automatic Backup of old file 18. Import of category/subcategory from another file 19. Automaticaly start at boot 20. Open TMS file with a double click. If TMS is already opened then load that file. To be implemented in the next few versions: 1. Browse Button in export to choose directory 2. Printing/Exporting of Notes field 3. Documentation 4. Add the capability to view password in groups like Outlook message grid 5. Help file 6. Multiple language support 7. Export to XML 8. Import from XML/CSV/Column format 9. Print preview 10. Search for password 11. Check of POP Mail account and display new header 12. MDI Implementation with capability of working with more file at a time 13. Customizable toolbar 14. Skin support 15. Scheduling of activity with a calendar 16. Many more feature 17. ... try to ask me... Thankyou FDSoftware, 2000